Hawaii’s Philanthropic Community
Funder Hui is a regional philanthropy serving organization.
In March of 2020, in the wake of the COVID-19 first stay at home order, over 100 foundation staff, donors, corporate foundation leads, and trustees convened to rapidly coordinate and accelerate a response. These calls, which continued weekly, sometimes twice weekly for the following six months, laid the groundwork for the formation of Hawaii’s first association of funders and philanthropy-serving organization (PSO): Funder Hui.
Please enjoy our annual report, sharing our successes and growth in 2024. Funder Hui was born in the wake of Covid and now serves as Hawaiʻi's philanthropy-serving organization (PSO). We have a particular focus on making the philanthropic sector more equitable.
How is Hawaii different if we are successful?
🜃 Relationships between the philanthropic sector and nonprofit sector are transformed to ones based on equity, humanity and partnership, and nonprofits are in the lead.
The way to begin your philanthropy’s Just Transition – whatever your starting point – is to identify ways to operationalize your values within all aspects of your organization. You can begin with the goal of being less extractive and more regenerative across the various functions of your organization. We outline what this might look like below.
Watch all of our past events here on our website.
Check out any of our upcoming events here.